
229 – The Plane and AirPods Pro 2nd Gen- With Guest Guy Serle and Jeff Gamet

The latest In Touch With iOS with Dave he is joined by guest Guy Serle and Jeff Gamet. iOS16.1.1 is out with security and bug fixes. Dave is on a plane this week and his experience with the AirPods Pro 2nd Gen. New women’s sports network streaming. Optimizing your battery on the Apple Watch. Using the control center on iPad and iPhone with tips on customizing it to your needs. Apple may change the AirDrop setting from Everyone to Everyone for 10 mins. Plus more. 

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Support for storing your ID in Apple Wallet finally expands to another US state

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Apple to Fight AirDrop Spam With New iPhone Setting Launching Widely Next Year

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Apple Releases iOS 16.1.1 and iPadOS 16.1.1 With Bug Fixes

Beta this week. Apple Seeds Second Betas of iOS 16.2 and iPadOS 16.2

iOS 16.2 Dynamic Island keeps signal bars visible while playing music on iPhone 14 Pro

iOS 16.2 beta 2: Here’s every new feature and change

Apple is planning a major home screen layout change in iOS 16.2

Apple Seeds Second Beta of tvOS 16.2 to Developers

Apple Seeds Second Beta of watchOS 9.2 to Developers

Dave’s experience with the AirPods Pro 2nd Gen traveling on a plane this past week. 

Battery charging is now optimized on watchOS9 on the Apple Watch. We discuss our experiences with charging.  Apple Watch optimized charging available in watchOS 9


How and why to customize the iPadOS 16 Control Center and iOS

How to allow prevent explicit content and content ratings in iOS 16, iPadOS 16

Our Host

Dave Ginsburg is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users and shares his wealth of knowledge of iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV and related technologies. Visit the YouTube channel follow him on Twitter @daveg65.and the show @intouchwithios

Our Regular Contributor

Jeff Gamet is a podcaster, technology blogger, artist, and author. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s managing editor, and Smile’s TextExpander Evangelist. You can find him on Twitter and Instagram as @jgamet and YouTube

About our Guest

Guy Serle Is the host of the MyMac Podcast email @MacParrot and @VertShark on Twitter,  Vertshark on YouTube, Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501

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