Should Apple be our Nanny when it comes to parental controls on the devices our children use? Melissa has a rant on why this could have less than desirable outcomes for families. She shares some valuable resources for parenting in the digital age. Podcasts are a great way to learn more about a subject of interest. Dave shares some more apps worth checking out that can make listening to podcasts more productive. Full show notes are at
New Siri Podcast News Feature Begins Rolling Out in iOS 11.2.2 – MacRumors
Apple Seeds Sixth Beta of iOS 11.2.5 to Developers and Public Beta Testers – MacRumors
This seemingly innocent link causes big problems on Mac and iOS – Cult of Mac
Open Letter from Jana Partners and CALSTRS to Apple Inc. – Jana Partners
Screenwise: Helping Kids Thrive (and Survive) in Their Digital World – by Devorah Heitner, PhD
Phonewise Boot Camp for Parents
Use Guided Access with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch – Apple Help Topic
Apps & Gear: Currently, our favorite aggregator apps for managing podcasts are Downcast and Castro 2, but we will continue to point out other apps so our listeners can make an informed choice.
Belkin Boost Up Wireless Charging Pad
Cell Phone Finger Ring Stand & Vent Mount
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Meta: ITWIOS 020 Who’s Your Nanny? was recorded January 17, 2018. “Please Listen Carefully” by Jahzzar is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. In Touch with iOS is an independently produced podcast, publication and social identity and has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Apple Inc. iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. All other Apple Inc. trademarks discussed are the property of Apple Inc. A full list of Apple trademarks is available here. Sometimes we use affiliate links for products in show notes. Unless otherwise noted, these products or services are not a sponsor. Your patronage helps to support our content production at no additional cost to you and does not alter our honest opinion of said product or service.