
026 Happy Birthday Apple Watch

We reflect on three years of Apple Watch plus tips for using Safari on multiple devices. Full show notes are at

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Google Play Music’s Switch to YouTube Remix Could Give Apple Music a Big Subscriber Boost — The Mac Observer

Apple Releases iOS 11.3.1: Includes Security Fixes and Addresses 3rd

Party Screen Replacement Problem for iPhone 8 – The Mac Observer

Happy Third Birthday Original Apple Watch! — The Mac Observer

Flickr bought by SmugMug as Yahoo breakup begins — The Guardian


  • Sync tabs with iCloud so you can start reading on one device and pick up on another
  • Add emojis to bookmark favorites to make them easier to see
  • Using Handoff with iOS
  • PSA on DND
  • iPhone X is good for for seniors

Apps & Gear:

Contact Cleanup

Radio Paradise


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Meta: 026 Happy Birthday Apple Watch was recorded April 25, 2018. “Please Listen Carefully” by Jahzzar is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. In Touch with iOS or “ITWIOS” is an independently produced podcast, publication and social identity and has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Apple Inc. iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. All other Apple Inc. trademarks discussed are the property of Apple Inc. A full list of Apple trademarks is available here. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc. We may use affiliate links for products in show notes. When appropriate, software, products, or services provided for review purposes will be disclosed. Unless otherwise noted, these products or services are not a sponsor. Your patronage helps to support our content production at no additional cost to you and does not alter our honest opinion of said product or service.

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