
048 iPhone Tips You Probably Don’t Know About – with Guest Adam Christianson from Maccast Podcast

This week guest Adam Christianson from Maccast podcast joins Dave. We talk about the news including Apple brings back the iPhone SE (Well it sold out) We review iPhone tips you may not know about and more.  Show notes are at

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News:We might get an iPhone SE 2, after all because the original is back (sorta)

Apple’s New Smart Battery Case: Everything You Need to Know

Microsoft tells users to switch to iOS or Android as Windows Phone set for obsolescence

Vizio Says 2016 4K SmartCast TVs Will Support AirPlay 2 and HomeKit

Google Fi for the iPhone solid for travelers, but still has same carrier customer service nonsense


Samsung and Vizio announced that they are adding support of iTunes and Airplay 2 is Apple ramping up services? We will discuss.

What is dead may never die: Two products Apple may be looking to revive Recent MacWorld article rumors a possible reviving of the iPod Touch and iPad Mini. Is this another way of getting more people using Apple’s services?

7 Useful iPhone Tips You Might Not Know

MacRumors posted these great useful tips you might not know. We reviewed each one.

Adam talks about Calendar apps and the start and end times of an appointments you can toggle them into into 5 min time increments.

Locast is a non profit website that rebroadcasts local tv. It’s a was a best kept secret as I just found out about it now. They ask for donations to pay for their services. There is a iOS app and its available on Roku and Google Play.  We will discuss this and where it could be with cord cutting.

Active Service Military US TV Now is another service related.


Plant Snap

ExpressVPN – 3 Months free with purchase of a 1 year plan. This is a MacCast podcast special link


About our Guest

Adam Christianson  is host of of Maccast Podcast You can find him on Twitter @maccast

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