
143 – AppleTV Future and Siri Has No Default Voice – With Guest Jeff Gamet

The latest In Touch With iOS with Dave and Warren we are joined by Jeff Gamet. Happy 45th to Apple! Siri will no longer have a default voice you pick. AppleTV its future and rumored new remote. App rankings what are the most popular iOS 14.5 Beta 6 is released adding battery recalibration tool and Siri voice default.

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Happy Birthday Apple – Founded April 1, 1976

Microsoft Shuts Down Cortana App for iOS and Android We do not think anyone is really sad about this. 

Uber iOS App Could Soon Include Augmented Reality Directions for Finding Your Driver

Apple Announces Digital WWDC 2021 Event Taking Place June 7-11

Apple Support App Gains Updated Coverage Details, Reservation Reminders and New App Clip


Important everyone should upgrade! Apple Releases iOS and iPadOS 14.4.2 to Fix Actively Exploited Security Vulnerability

Beta this week. iOS 14.5 Beta 6 was released. We discuss the changes here are the article links. 

Apple Seeds Sixth Betas of iOS 14.5 and iPadOS 14.5 to Developers  

Apple Seeds Sixth Beta of watchOS 7.4 to Developers  

Apple Seeds Sixth Beta of tvOS 14.5 snd HomePod to Developers 

iOS 14.5: Siri no longer defaults to a female voice, two new choices added

Apple introduces battery recalibration tool for iPhone with iOS 14.5 beta 6

More surveys but this does make sense. Android Rapidly Losing Users to iPhone we discuss why we love iPhone and why are more android users moving over to iPhone. 

AppleTV what is its future? The story this week is Apple is finally redesigning that often complained about Siri Remote. Apple developing new Remote for the next-generation Apple TV we discuss the remote, and AppleTV device future. Exclusive: Here’s our first look at the ‘B519’ remote for Apple TV


We are discussing something new this week with Apps. App Annie does rankings of the top apps in the US from free to paid and iPhone or iPad we review the latest rankings. Today’s Top App Store Rankings and our thoughts and do we use them. 

Our Host

Your Host Dave Ginsburg  is an IT Professional With over 22 years experience working with Mac and Windows as well as iOS devices. He is also President of The Suburban Chicago Apple Users Group

About our Guest

Jeff Gamet is a podcaster, technology blogger, artist, and author. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s managing editor, and Smile’s TextExpander Evangelist. You can find him on Twitter and Instagram as @jgamet,

About our Co-Host

Co-Host Warren Sklar @Wsklar is an IT Consultant and moderator of the Mac To The Future FaceBook Group with over 3000 members talking about all things Apple. Request to join this group to be among people who love Apple

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